Insurance News

from Alastair James Insurance
VAT implications on property

VAT implications on property

While many countries around the world now have VAT systems, the UK’s features a number of different entitlements, rates and exemptions that may make understanding it in full somewhat difficult. Still, it is necessary for businesses and property owners to educate themselves on the topic in order to make the proper decisions.

Avoiding slips, trips and falls on construction sites

Avoiding slips, trips and falls on construction sites

The injury rate for construction workers is higher than any other industry, according to the HSE. What’s more, the most common cause of injury is slips, trips and falls. What can you do to avoid becoming a statistic? Follow these slip-and-fall prevention tips.

Basement Construction

Basement Construction

What Are The Risks Of Basement Construction and how this might affect your Insurance? Read what to watch out for…

Whisky – Liquid Gold

Whisky – Liquid Gold

Guest article by Doerr Dallas Valuations.It cannot have escaped many that whisky has become a boom market with records being set and broken

Medal valuations

Medal valuations

Guest blog on Military Medals Valuing medals, the task is made far more interesting by the research that needs to be done.. Read More

Home renovations

Home renovations

Home renovations Insurance | Ensure you are covered when renovating your house. This article explores what to look out for